***Author Spotlight*** A Storm on Mars by Troy Scott

I had the pleasure of meeting Troy Scott at this years Lexington Legebdary Book Bash. We did an impromptu paper/Pen interview. Here are my questions and his answers.

1. Where do you get your ideas?

I get ideas from everywhere. I got the original idea for my novel from one scene in a movie that I was watching. It just sparked my imagination. My book was nothing like the movie. The one scene sparked my interest and I started from there. I base characters on people I know. They may look like a person that I know, or they act like a person that I know.

2. What is your writing process like?

I listen to classical music. I usually will return to the place in the manuscript that I stopped the previous day. I will back up two or three paragraphs and read through those. After I do that I just start typing from that point.

3. What is your writing Kryptonite?

Facebook and procrastination in general.

4. How do you deal with writer’s block?

If I have trouble with writer’s block I will read through earlier parts of my manuscript to see what I can add to the plot.

5. Do you write under different pen names and genres?

I am using my full name currently. The trilogy that I am working on is science fiction. I have an action novel that I have started also.

6. When did you write and publish your first book? What was the name of your book?

My first book started as a short story about 15 years ago. The 106,000-word novel was published in January of 2018. The name of my book is A Storm on Mars.

6. Who is your favorite author and Why?

It is hard to pick just one. I love J. R. R. Tolkien. The Hobbit is my favorite book of all time. I also love J. K. Rowling. I read all the Harry Potter books. I just think they are both are excellent world builders.

7. How many unpublished or half written books do you have?

I am working on the second book of my trilogy. I am close to 70,000 words on that one. I also have the action novel that I started. I think I have maybe 20,000 words or so. I will not be working on that until the trilogy is done.

8. What kind of research do you do and how long before writing your book?

I usually research while I am writing. If I have a scene on Mars I will stop where I am writing and go to Google, Wikipedia, etc. I start researching everything about the atmosphere, number of moons, distance from sun, gravity and anything I think will help with the scene. When I feel comfortable I return to writing and add in the details.

9. What is most difficult about writing characters from the opposite sex?

Trying to figure out how women think lol.

10. How long do you write daily?

It depends on my schedule. I usually set word goals weekly and monthly. I might do close to a thousand words on good day. But some days I am lucky to do a couple of hundred words. As long as you consistently write you will get there.

11. Do you read your book reviews? How do you deal with good and bad reviews?

My book has only been out a few months. I have five reviews on Amazon and they are all good. That is great, but I am sure someone will not like the book. Everybody likes different things.

12. Do you hide secrets that only a few people will find or Easter eggs in your books?

I did that in the first book and probably will continue to do it. I planted hints to things that will develop in the second and third book.

13. What was your hardest scene to write?

I use a lot of different planets and alien life forms in my story. I had trouble with some scenes trying to create all of this.

14. Do you write with music in the background or does it have to be silent?

I always listen to classical music as I write. My favorite is Moonlight Sonata by Beethoven. It is relaxing and just seems to put me in a writing mood.

15. Do you have a favorite thing to snack on while you write?

I don’t eat while I am writing. I usually have a soft drink. My favorite is Diet Ski.

16. How much do your readers’ interests influence your writing?

I try to write stories that different people will be interested in. My books are in the young adult genre, so I attempt to write for young people. I am young at heart myself.

17. If you could tell your younger self anything….. What would it be?

There are so many things that come to mind. The best advice is if you want to be a writer, write.

Don’t forget to grab Troy’s book!

A Storm on Mars

Phoenix Murphy insisted on living her dreams which began in a small Kentucky town and would take her on a trip to try save the universe, all while she is just trying to get back home.


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